Phone: (914) 374-0683
Free Resouces and Downloads for Elementary School Kids
Free Likeoku puzzles
Sudokus are a great way to develop your child's reasoning skills. And they are a perfect way of keeping the kids engaged too.
These are great for kids in grades K-3
Sudokus are a great way to develop your child's reasoning skills. And they are a perfect way of keeping the kids engaged too.
These are great for kids in grades K-3
Free 3x3 Magic Squares
These are great for kids in grades 2-6. They keep them occupied and put their brains to good use. Want to build your arithmetic and problem-solving skills at the same time? These are the best for that.
Free Resouces and Downloads
For Middle School Kids
Find the mystery number
Find the mystery number is a fun way to induce critical thinking and logical reasoning skills in kids.
These are great for kids in grades 4-8.
Solve the Cryptarithms
A perfect Enrichment for kids in grades 4-8. My favourite Enrichment activity with my kid and nephews. They always keep asking for more!